I hope these children will someday help keep the show a fantastic experience for all who attend. Megan told the girls that they were visiting the museum one night, years ago, with no money and slept in the cabin of this boat. The Sea Scouts made these practice boards for all types of knots; they all were welcome help, including the raising of the flag and singing of the National Anthem. Now it’s Allison blowing the sailboat. Do you think that some were pushing it with the straw? Chloe blows the sailboat on the run the Sea Scouts set up. Everybody loved this – great kids entertainment! Granny Cheryl makes everything look great! This is the boat we towed to Clayton, NY for the ACBS 2019 Show, for Dr Epstein. Allison, Charley and Madison helped shine up Dr Epstein’s Chris Craft Sea Skiff. All Cheryl’s girls and grandchildren did attend, here are Charley, Angy, Cheryl, and Madison. Howard is to the left in the green shirt. Some of our many student youths, who enjoyed trying out several kinds of knots. Don and Sallie show off our Knot Tying packages under the bandstand on the museum grounds. The girls worked together to shine up Dr Epstein’s boat for him, and that evening he met us at the restaurant, – his treat. Sunday morning, June 20th, the 17 acre campus of the St Michaels Maritime Museum where the Antique and Classic Boat Society, Chesapeake Bay Chapter, enjoyed putting on our 33rd show.
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