Here is Howard and Cheryl zooming along in their `56 Whirlwind Sea King 14′, at the Reedville Fisherman’s Museum Show, just after the boat parade, September 12, 2010. Their friends Ray and Della Glen are beside them in the big Lyman 22′. Together they explored the gorgeous Great Wicomico River, – for 2 hours. This was the highlight of their boating season because of the beautiful weather and fabulous Virginia scenery. The pictures were taken by Rick Kwiecinski of www.Ctheview.com who adroitly flew his amazing paramotor down to snap these shots, again and again. Rick is available in the Northern Neck of Virginia area for sensational aerial photography, check his website for more photos of homes and the boat parade action.
We are planning action videos with multiple boats for later this year.
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