Whirlwind T Shirts
For Sale$30.00 each, $9.00 S&H
Make check to HP Johnson
15200 Mt Calvert Rd.
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Whirlwind Medallions
Beautiful heavy polished stainless medallions for sale.
$50.00 each plus $9.00 shipping.
Call Howard at 301-627-2114.
Whirlwind Decals Deluxe
Whirlwind Decals:
Whirlwind Deluxe $25.00 each
Please include $6.00 shipping and handling
Whirlwind Dash
Whirlwind Decals:
Whirlwind Dash $10.00 each
Please include $6.00 shipping and handling
Whirlwind Book
Wild About Whirlwinds book! 185 pages, soft cover with color, serial numbers, factory photos, and the whole story of the lightest, fastest and most beautiful mahogany boat ever made!
Send $50.00, + $ 9.00 postage. Material collected by Bob Orgain and Howard starting in 1996. Edited over 3 months by Cheryl Johnson. Send check made out to Howard Johnson, 15200 Mt.Calvert Rd, Upper Marlboro MD, 20772. 301 627 2114
Videos for sale
Video for Sale – $35 each or $95 for 3
1. ERRORS & OMISSIONS – Buffalo Launch Club 100 year celebration, Sept. 6, 2003, Niagra N.Y. Exceptional racing footage. Three sections, show coverage, stunning variety, amaze your friends. $35.00 check to: Howard P. Johnson Jr. Oldtimeworld.com. 15200 Mt. Calvert Rd. Upper Marlboro. Md. 20772-9619. 60 restorable boats on display.
2. Smith Mountain Lake 1996 Antique Boat Show with lake adventures and aerial views of the lake.
Toy Boats
Children need a real boat to play with in the water and tow behind Dad’s boat. This one can cary a load and teach the kids how a vessel moves through the water. MADE of the finest marine Okoume plywood and waterproof adhesive they are varnished and beautiful, made to last. Limited supply.
Toy Boats: $65.00 plus $22.00 S&H
Tall Ships of the World Collection, The Pamir
Model ships for sale, from the Tall Ships of the World Collection, The Pamir is one of the famous Flying “P” line from Germany, with an amazing history. This exceptional model is 18” tall and very well detailed.
$75.00 + $8.00 S&H.
Tall Ships of the World Collection, The Belem
Model ships for sale, from the Tall Ships of the World Collection, The Belem is 18” tall and has a fascinating history on the box. Highly detailed and very neatly done, this is the most beautiful and highly decorated model in the line. You will get much enjoyment looking at her.
$75.00 + $8.00 S&H.
Hickman Sea Sled
Hickman Sea Sled, A Collected History from many years research, including every kind of article and advertisement for this early high speed design. 135 pages.
$50 including $5.00 shipping.