A Fireman called me, he said a lady called the Fire department about a smell in the basement. He checked it out and she had her husband’s old 1953 Whirlwind in the basement piled high with his things. Soon after buying the boat, he passed away from a heart attack. She didn’t use the basement so she let it sit there but now she wants to move to a smaller place. The fireman told her about me and she looked at my website, Oldtimeworld.com and he called and gave me her number.
The boat had never been in the sun or rain for the last 70 years. One Thousand Dollars – she wanted twenties, no big bills, near the Addison Metro Station on the DC Line. My stepson and I slid the boat right into my pickup with plans to go back for the trailer and still new, engine. In one hour we unloaded this and went back for the rest. She wanted $100.00 for the paddles, at 89 she still loved them, so I forked over the dough and said – MANY THANKS!
Next day scrubbed the 70 years dirt off until 8 PM. Now here is a brand new 70 year old WHIRLWIND BOAT! What a TREASURE!

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