We share with our visitors and readers KNOWLEDGE of the PAST, automotive and boat designs, MECHANICAL knowledge, information about what made these vehicles so attractive and desirable, and the memories that were treasured by those that lived through the post WWII era. The importance of teaching children to swim, row boats and drive the boats and explore rivers. We teach our readers about tools, how to restore finishes of all types and how to use quality paint and chemicals to make things that last. All about the process of restoration, step by step, so that the result is beautiful, rewarding to do, and of high quality. Order, discipline, care, methodical effort, ambition, and steady work are all required to see these projects through to the end.
Old Time World is an effort to bring about a permanent museum where people can enjoy seeing these things in person and take classes to learn how to acquire these rewarding skills for themselves.
Toy Boat Making
Kids Working
Driving Boats
Teaching Children

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